Operation Mattie

We believe that helping others while expecting nothing in return is the highest form of exhibiting the grace and love of Christ. Emmanuel’s Hammer relies on our selfless, dedicated volunteers to rebuild and repair homes of those in need. Whether you’re a skilled tradesman or simply a weekend carpenter, you can make a difference in the lives of the homeowners we work with. Also, we always need volunteers in a variety of support roles: everything from IT services to accounting to fundraising to advocacy.

Emmanuel’s Hammer advocates come in many forms, but they have one thing in common: they are called to help their neighbors who are in need of a better place to live. The first step is to decide how you can use your gifts, talents, skills, and creativity, to spread the word about Emmanuel’s Hammer. Then, by sharing with others the good news about our ministry, you will be helping transform our client’s lives and restoring their hope.

Connect with our social networking sites to receive the latest project updates and share them with your networks. Add a link to our website on your blog or webpage to bring more awareness to the problems our clients face. Let people know what matters to you. Speak out about the plight of people living in sub-standard housing. Share the story of a homeowner we’ve helped with friends and neighbors. Arrange for someone from Emmanuel’s Hammer to speak at your church, workplace, or community organization. Ask people to join you in becoming an Emmanuel’s Hammer advocate. Help us to share the love of Christ with those in need.

Become a Faith-Based Partner

We are always looking for like-minded churches and other faith-based organizations to partner with us. Partnering with Emmanuel’s Hammer is much more than a financial or time commitment. It is a dynamic relationship where we communicate regularly, pray for each other, and provide support to one another. This mutual encouragement and empowerment helps us both reach our common goal which is sharing Christ’s love by providing those in need with a decent place to live. Your church or faith-based organization can support a specific project or incorporate our ministry into your annual mission plans. Through your partnership, you can demonstrate Christ’s love by ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of those we serve.