The H2O House will be built in honor of Thomas Few, the Clemson student, who died tragically last summer. The 20-year-old Clemson University student studying construction science died after falling from the roof of an off-campus house. The Thomas Few H2O House on the campus of the Frazee Center will serve as laundry facilities and showers for families in need. “H2O” stands for health, hygiene, and opportunity. As Jenny Reeves with The Frazee Center states, “While the families are here cleaning their clothes and learning basic hygiene they will be learning about the Living Water that they receive through Jesus Christ.”
After Thomas’ death, Emmanuel’s Hammer was named to receive donations in lieu of flowers. As the donations began pouring in from all over the state it was apparent that we would be able to fund a significant project in Thomas’ honor. The Lord led us to this remodel of a single-family home converting it to a facility containing a laundry room with four washers and dryers, four bathrooms with showers two of which are ADA compliant, a living room and break room. Using volunteer labor will allow us to leverage our resources to make this a first-class facility that will serve the neighbors of South Greenville for years to come.
To date we have had numerous teams from Buncombe Street UMC and the Clemson Kappa Alpha Fraternity, of which Thomas was a member, complete the demolition. A majority of the framing was provided by Kerley Construction Co. We are in the process of finishing the framing and getting the electrical, plumbing and HVAC rough-ins done.
If you would like to volunteer to help with this exciting project, please complete our Volunteer Form found in the blue section below.