A Christian ambassador is someone who is sent on behalf of Jesus Christ, to represent the Kingdom of God to a broken world. It is through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that ambassadors are empowered to bear witness to Jesus. You are invited to join Randy Jones, director of the Emmanuel’s Hammer Ambassador Program, to learn how the love of Jesus that fills you can empower your presence and conversation in sharing the Good News of Christ.

Our Ambassador program has been designed to equip a team of two or three representatives from Emmanuel’s Hammer to meet with the clients we serve and share the Gospel message using the “Share Jesus Without Fear” presentation that was developed by William Fay.

William Fay, once a money-driven businessman with Mafia ties, ran a house of prostitution until it was raided by police. Facing the threat of jail time, Fay turned to Jesus Christ for redemption and ever since has been turning others to Christ as well. (Source: sharejesuswithoutfear.com).

The Emmanuel’s Hammer Ambassador program class will be an in-person, four-week class using the Share Jesus Without Fear workbook.

Once trained, Ambassadors will meet with clients during the project phase to convey the Gospel message, helping those we serve to make a decision for Christ if led to do so. Ambassadors will also inquire about other spiritual needs the family might have, and offer assistance in helping them become connected to a church family if they do not already have one.

Our hope is for Ambassadors to stay in touch with the family after their project is completed to encourage their faith in Christ and, with God’s help, ensure that the family is growing on solid ground for an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Complete this form to register for the four-week class.